City Green Project

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City Green Project

“The color “GREEN” denotes,
Humanity, Honesty, Happiness and Global eternity with the environment”.

Such as our organization has promoted various programmes to make the city Erode to be Green. The word Green not only reflects the color only by various kinds of human sensitivity and their attitude towards the whole human society and living beings.

As a matter of fact, the existing scientific, aeronautics, have been involved to find out the sources and conditions of living beings whether they live and sustain on any other planets. But in fact, our earth is having adequate resources for the livelihood circumstances and sources for all living beings. But we do not properly utilize the availing sources, which may be noted as,

“The fools struggle to hunt the flying beings – while inable to hunt at the surface”.
-Meaning a Tamil Proverb

To expose these ideas and concepts to the public, we have ensured the following activities, such as,

  • Established a Garden, with lawn, plants of followers, trees and an artificial mountain falls, etc, at Erode Central Bus stand.
  • Decoration of Lawns and Gardens at major Roundana (Four Square Junction Points) in the city's major places.
  • Establishing Roadside Parks, Gardens, Social Forestry along with Highways department.
  • Conducting various public-oriented educational campaigns for advocating about to establish a Green city of Erode along with private / Commercial / Government / Police and Highways Departments.

These are the major programmes to ensure the project Green city.