Awareness Generation Programmes

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Awareness Generation Programmes

“Education is not only academic-based but also to make the people realize their own living condition and select the proper ways, means and sources for their development”.

In this kind, our organization has enhanced various programmes on awareness Generation programme, which is ain “Silverline in the Darkened Sky” of the illiterate, people those to ignorance and lack of knowledge.

By these sensitive related problems, we have enhanced the following programmes.

  • Road Safety programme to the school, college, community volunteers, SHG’s Women and General Public, which is mainly oriented to follow the Traffic rules, safety two-wheeler, four-wheeler riding, cell phone usage during Travelling etc.,
  • Environmental awareness programmes to the General public and school, College students.
  • Tuberculosis awareness and Tobacco control, usage of Narcotics and other drugs.
  • Creating awareness on Rabies and stray dogs problems.

These are the major awareness campaigns we have enhanced to educate and realize the common people on their existing problems and overcome the privileges.