City Clean Programme

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City Clean Programme

“Maintenance of the city to be clean is a joint effort by every individual, community and government and voluntary sectors”.

Cleanliness is the most important factor to preserve the long life of the human community and prevent moreover a lot of diseases. Even though our city, having multi-level development in industrialization, commercialization, population growth, growth of slum areas, pavement dwellers, floating population, the cleanliness of the city has been lost for the past several years. Which may be caused by various infectious, communicable diseases and the total environmental safety.

So, the awareness creation to the public and action-oriented works are realized as the presenting need for our city. So, we have enhanced the following activities such as,

  • Cleaning the compound walls of public, Government, School, Hospital, Industrial, Commercial sectors and duly painted and written various awareness creation proverbs / Teaching, educating concept quoted sentences.
  • Created safe and clear Bus shelters in the city to prevent the passengers to misuse the roadside areas.
  • Various Government and private schools and college campuses and cleaned and planted with trees. These works have been enhanced by various private/commercial/Government and well-wishers associations by our own interest.