Construction of Girls Home, Thenkasi

Construction of Girls Home, Thenkasi

Pasumai Ulagam Utilized the grant received form Lighthouse Voyage, Canada to establish furniture and Children study furniture at Zion Bethel Home, Velayudha Puram Road, Sambavarvadakarai, Kadayanallure TK, Thenkasi District.

There is 85 girls are stayed and studied.  Children from 5 years to 23 years Girls are stayed. Our Executive member Mrs. Biby and our Treasurer Mrs. Samuel Jeba Singh feed and fulfill their requirements every day. They are well experienced in child Welfare Work and both are provide a safe and loving environment for their children.

This is the ongoing project. Previous year Lighthouse voyage support Construction of Girls home through Pasumai Ulagam. After Completion of the construction, the Organization support to establish Storage Cupboard, Sleeping Cot, Beds, Pillows, Bed Cover, Bed Spread, Table and Chairs, Round Study tables, Mosquito net, Roofing and Construction work for Girls Sitting Area.
